Postoperative Knee Exercises
quad sets
- Sit on a hard flat surface with the knee of your uninvolved leg bent and your hands behind you for support.
- Straighten your involved leg as much as possible, tightening the muscles on top of your thigh.
- Hold for five seconds, then relax.
- Repeat 15 times, wait 30 seconds and repeat the set. Do this two times per day.
short arc quadriceps
- Sit on a firm flat surface with hands behind you for support.
- Place a rolled towel under the involved leg to bend it about six inches.
- Raise the lower part of your leg until your knee is straight.
- Hold for about 5 seconds then relax.
- Repeat 15 times, wait 30 seconds and repeat the set. Do this two times per day.
straight leg raises
- Recline on your back resting on your elbows. Keep one leg bent, straighten the involved leg as much as possible, tightening the muscles on top of the thigh.
- Lift the heel of the involved straight leg about four inches.
- Hold for 5 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position and relax.
- Repeat 15 times, wait 30 seconds and repeat the set. Do this two times per day.
straight leg raises — abductors
- Lie on your uninvolved side. Bend your bottom leg (uninvolved leg) backward for support.
- Keep your top leg (involved leg) straight, lift the leg up keeping the knee and hip straight.
- Hold for 5 seconds then slowly return to the starting position and relax.
- Repeat 15 times, wait 30 seconds and repeat the set. Do this two times per day.
straight leg raises — adductors
- Lie on your involved leg: good leg (uninvolved leg) on top. The top leg should be bent over the front of the down leg to help with balance.
- Keep your down leg (involved leg) straight and in line with your body.
- Stay on your side and lift your down leg up toward the ceiling. Do not bring your leg forward. Hold it 5 seconds and slowly lower it and relax.
- Repeat 15 times, wait 30 seconds and repeat the set. Do this two times per day.