Unicompartmental Joint Replacement

This procedure completely replaces one half of the joint, either the medial or inner compartment or the lateral or outer compartment. The replacement is made of metal and plastic and can correct alignments as well as result in a pain free joint in selected patients. The remainder of the joint is left intact.
ConforMIS iUni® and iDuo® partial knee replacements
Today, many patients with osteoarthritis of the medial or lateral compartment plus patellofemoral receive a total knee replacement (TKR) without consideration of other options.
One of the unique benefits of a partial knee replacement is that it is minimally invasive and retains more of the patient’s natural bone than a total knee replacement.
The ConforMIS iUni is a partial knee replacement designed to preserve the parts of the knee parts not damaged by arthritis. As patients become more demanding and more active, the interest in bone and tissue sparing partial knee replacement approaches has increased dramatically.
The iDuo is offers a revolutionary alternative to traditional TKR by combining proven principles for patellofemoral treatment with the advantages of the ConforMIS partial knee system.
Partial knee replacement surgery also retains the option for the patient to eventually move to a total knee replacement in the future should that become necessary.
Key features of the ConforMIS iUni and iDuo:
- Customized fit specific to your knee that virtually eliminates sizing compromises common with off-the-shelf implants and often associated with pain after surgery
- Designed to mimic the natural shape of your knee, which provides an increased potential for a more natural feeling knee
- Allows for a less traumatic procedure by reducing the amount of bone preparation and bone cuts to preserve more of your natural knee
- Preserves your future surgical options should you need a total knee replacement in the future
ConforMIS implants come in a pre-sterilized disposable, single-use kit. Disposable, single-use instrumentation is beneficial to you, the hospital, and the surgeon because it means that the implant AND the placement instruments are used only on you and then discarded by the OR staff. Disposable instrumentation can help reduce the risk of infection as they are single-use and not used on multiple patients.
iFit® customization technology
The iUni is also unique in that it is the only implant designed to match each patient’s unique bone size and shape. ConforMIS has developed a unique technology platform, called iFit, which converts a patient’s CT scan of the knee to a 3D model that serves as the basis for the design of the implant and instrumentation.
An automated design process uses proprietary algorithms to map the articular surface of the joint in three dimensions. The software uses that information to design the implants and instrumentation that will match precisely to the 3D model of the knee, correcting the data for any underlying arthritic deformity such as bone spurs, cysts or flattening of the joint. By using a CT scan the company is able to match your knee, providing a more precise fit and can help restore your knee’s normal motion.